Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dollhouse: She Made A Mistake And She's Sad

Yet another fantastic Dollhouse this week. I can't think of any reason why this is doing so poorly in the ratings. It has made Lost look like a retarded cousin to me this year. "A Spy in the House of Love" was even more along the Alias lines that I thought the show was already following. From the misleading opening scene to the breaking into NSA offices and the "12 hours earlier" segments, it screamed Sydney Bristow. It made me smile.

On to the important things.
In the beginning we see Sierra and Echo walking around and a big struggle in Topher's office followed by flashing and blood on the windows.

12 Hours earlier

Hey you got NSA tech in my peanut butter
Topher finds a chip inside the chair that doesn't belong to the Dollhouse. He tells Boyd and then they inform Dominic and then the panic ensues. He grabs Sierra and takes her up to be imprinted as a hunter. Echo (in her blank state) has evolved even more and insists that Topher can make her be able to help. She is then imprinted to be a Sherlock Holmes infused interogator.

Imprint: November
We see the episode play out through the eyes of the four different actives. November is re-imprinted with Mellie's mind and sent back to Ballard. When she gets there he brings her inside and is explaining how much more he knows about the Dollhouse to her. She then goes blank and delivers a message from the saboteurs. Ballard is finding out that the woman he has developed feelings for has only been in his life to keep tabs on his activity relating to the Dollhouse. She tells him that Mellie is a sleeper agent and has no knowledge of the fact she's an active and he can never say anything to her. He must never discuss the Dollhouse investigation with her either. She then returns to the Mellie state.

It was another fantastic scene with Miracle Laurie having another drop-jawed revelation moment. Gah, I love it.

Imprint: Sierra
Here was the uber-sleek Alias stuff. Sierra is imprinted and sent to the NSA headquarters to break into their files and find the identity of the mole. She sits beside the person she's taking the identity of dressed exactly alike and asks for a pen. The lady notices her and her eyes widen then Sierra injects her with a tranquilizer and says "Nevermind, I've found one". I loove it ha.

Then she gains acccess to the vaults, steals the plastic sheet, has a shoot out and runs for a roof extraction. All in stilletos. My new hero.

Imprint: Victor
Victor is being sent for another Ms. Lonely Hearts mission (you remember her being mentioned right?) First of all, is it just me or does he get hotter every episode? I mean....drool.

So, I called this before it happened, but he heads off for his engagement and who does Ms. Lonely Hearts turn out to be? None other than our very own Adelle DeWitt. It was a fantastic scene (again) wich gave us some rather intriguing insight to her character. And Victor was half naked again so win win. The only problem? The horribly fake ocean behind them in the scene. It never even moved.

So Victor and Adelle have their fantasy date with fencing, sex and stressful conversations. Then Adelle realizes that having this engagement isn't worth the risk.

Imprint: Echo
Echo begins interrogating the employees of the Dollhouse in Adelle's office. When Dominic tells her that Sierra was coming back with the identity of the mole she seems perturbed by the news. He then shoves Ivy in and accuses her. Echo asks how long he is planning on keeping this up.

It turns out that Dominic is the NSA spy (well of course he is) and they have yet another awesome Dollhouse fight there in DeWitts office. In the end, Echo prevails and DeWitt is brought back to deal with the situation.

We finally find out what happens to people when they go to the attic. During their conversation Dominic tells DeWitt that he wasn't there to bring down the Dollhouse but to prevent it being brought down from the inside. He asked what would happen if Rossum Corp. couldn't hold onto the Dollhouse. She then tells him that he's off to the attic once Echo has thoroughly interrogated him.

During this interrogation, Dominic says that Echo will end up destroying the Dollhouse and that they will never see it coming. Then Dominic is taken to Topher's office and put in the chair with a large amount of struggle. (I'm not sure why they didn't sedate him). They do a complete wipe of him and store his memories/mind on a harddrive. Then his body is put up. Creepy. In the process Adelle was shot ("just a graze!") and had to be treated by Saunders.

Topher then tells her of the fact that Echo is still evolving and needs to know if he's to re-wipe her. DeWitt tells him no and that Echo saved the entire Dollhouse. She may prove to be useful to them in ways they didn't know. Boyd is then promoted to head of security and Echo receives a new handler. She is still connecting to Boyd during the process.

The Big Questions
1.Why does the NSA care if the Dollhouse succeeds?
2. Will Boyd risk their operation out of his ongoing concern for Echo?
3. Will Ballard be able to keep his research from Mellie?
4. What is the Dollhouse's purpose? (we've heard this twice now)

Guys, this show is dying in the ratings. There are only three episodes left and how they fare will probably be a huge determining factor in whether we get a surely amazing season two. Watch it, just turn your TVs on to Fox even if you don't pay attention. It still counts.


  1. This episode definitely reminded me of Alias. I love me some Sidney Bristow ;-) I'm going to be very sad if this show doesnt make it...

  2. Oh and I can't believe you guessed the Ms. Lonely Hearts thing...I didn't see it at all..haha
