Sunday, April 12, 2009

LOST: Dead Is Dead(ish...Kind Of....)

Ok, I know, I know. This is what you would call "late" but bear with me. Let's talk about the latest, greatest, still disappointing episode of Lost.

I think I'm going to do more of a "I had a problem with" kind of review than the usual recap. First and foremost:

1. The timeline of the island has now officially been raped up the ass
Let me explain to you why: In the eighties we see Ben and Ethan off on a "Kill that crazy French woman mission" (more on my problems with this later) and then they return to the Others' pitch a tent party. So, we are to believe that Ben and Ethan can just wander off for a few days. Free from the prying eyes of Dharmaville (who we have seen just how bloodthirsty they can be when they were dealing with Sayid).

We have also been shown in this episode that Widmore was exiled from the island post the purge of the Dharma-ites. He, however, has been complaining that he's been searching for the island for more than twenty years. The purge=1992. Most of the storyline=2004-2007. No wonder he was exiled. He can't count.

2. Rousseau was a flippin' pansy
How terribly weak was this scene? Ben rolls up into her little shelter, grabs Alex and all Danielle does is "no, no, not my baby" in a convenient bi-lingual begging. There's also another point of problems here: SHE HAS MET BEN. Surely, the most traumatic experience of her life would have a lasting impression on her memory. 20 years later, when she catches Ben in a net, instead of beating the shit out of him and finding her daughter then and there, she just says "he's one of them" and turns him over. Furthermore, in season one (you know, back when the plot was airtight) she tells Sayid that she's never seen one of them. I know she's crazy, but this is just stupid.

3. The smoke monster prefers you to flush
Last season, when you find out that Ben can summon old smokey, I was thinking it had to be this amazing awesome process. He reaches into a muddy ground toilet. That's it.

4. The origins are (more or less) revealed
Speaking of smokey, we got to see where he comes from. The answer: the Egyptians. Apparently Anubis was a fan/follower. I can't lie though, the scene was rather thoroughly engrossing. It could be interesting to see what goes on with the actual purpose of the monster. We have seen it as a judge/executioner. I wonder if there will be more to it. I've heard the theory that their may be multiple monsters. The one who enveloped Ben did seem a little friendly compared to our usual tree-ripping variety.

5. There were some good things.
For example: the new, confident John Locke is rather kickass. I also really liked Alex being back and all wonder woman-y slamming Ben around like a bitch. The most interesting thing, which I can't figure out why, was Ilana. Her ending up being the resident badass of the island instead of Cesar was very good to me. Then she goes on her mysterious "what lies in the shadow of the statue" tirade. I find her to be fascinating. We also got to see Desmond. It had been six episodes since we last laid eyes on our Irishman's Scottish man's (Sorry about that Emily) face.

The Big Questions
1. Will Lost fix its new gaping storyline contradictions anytime soon?
2. Is there a point to this entire 1977 mess?
3. What DOES lie in the shadow of the statue?
4. Will Charles ever learn to add?

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