Monday, May 18, 2009

Dollhouse Get's A Second Season! Jesus Loves Me!

Fox (Evil horrible funny smelling bastards in your day to day business) has given Joss Whedon's Dollhouse a 13 episode second season. This marks possibly the lowest rated series on a major broadcast network to receive a renewal. It was all because of the following:

Aaron: Hey Jesus, it'd be pretty sweet if you'd bring Dollhouse back later this year.

Jesus: That would be pretty sweet, no lies kiddo.

Aaron: Awesome, thanks man. Also, if you wouldn't mind...a couple
of extra inches...down there

Jesus: Go watch Dollhouse. No one would ever see it anyway.

Aaron: Touche, Easter man. Thanks again.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I will make myself and everyone I know watch EVERY SINGLE episode :)
