Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Completely Insane: Mallakhamb

The strippers down here in Atlanta apparently need to take a lesson or two. This is the new gayest sport in the world (aside from Ice Skating, but that's not so much a sport as it is one more reason for us gays to play Lady Gaga).  In other news, I so wish I could do something this randomly awesome. I'm afraid to do a flip on the ground. I think it was childhood trauma or something like, you know, traumatic....perhaps when I was a child.

Want: Sink/Urinal Combo (No It's Not Gross)

So, call me crazy, but I still feel a pang of guilt every time I just go for a number one and flush. However, lingering pee is not on the top of my list of house decorations.  Enter this awesome concept for your bathroom. You pee, obviously, then you wash your hands in the sink above the urinal and that flushes it. Brilliant, tres. AND I can be super lazy and just stand in one spot for the entire thing. I like being a dude.

Tee-Hee. Kitty Plays Duck Hunt

I knew I sucked at this as a child (and the ghetto target version included on Wii Play now), but I wasn't aware that I was going to be outdone by a cat. Granted, they do have killer instincts not found in us Homosexual Indoorsus.

Final Fantasy XIV North American Trailer

Well well, it looks like the Fantasy that should have been over in the 80s so says itself is heading towards its second iteration in the MMO community. Let's watch and discuss.

I have nothing to say.

Friday, August 27, 2010

If History Had Facebook

Then we could have had gems like this instead of "OMG I luv Fiddy Cent! <3 :) :P LOL" Check out the rest of their examples over here at Cool Material

Jesus Christ On Iceskates, Why? The Snazzy Napper

Have you ever been a sad Conservative housewife who spits vitriolic hateful comments about various religions? Have you ever been completely unable to take a nap like a normal human being? Would you like to look like the people you profess to hate AND get a good catnap in? Then the snazzy napper is for you.

2012 can't come fast enough.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Painted....WIth Light

This is where I toot my own horn for my awesomeness.
Toot toot.

That was it.

Mucho thanks to my lovely model friend Emily.

Ink Art Sans Printing...Just All Cartridge-like

Have you ever paid more than the price of a new baby in Africa for ink cartridges? Have you ever thought to yourself "I wish I could make something awesome with these?" Well now thanks to the power of the interwebs, you have inspiration. Follow the golden tint link to see some rather interesting pieces done out of used ink cartridges. Off now, on your boat. Over here.

Fire Tornado: He's So Hot Right Now, Fire Tornado

This is a tornado. It has fire in it. This is what we get for gay marriage y'all. (I give it 2 days before Huckabee or Palin insinuates as such. Perhaps I should say insinupate in case Palin is in a creative mood).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Excited Queens = Frightening

Feel the terror. It's like watching those "Attacked by Animals" shows when I was a kid and there were angry apes rampaging children. (A general note: this is not a race statement. "It's an OMG girlfriend look at your hairs!" statement). There, now I can only be sued a little.

Thank God For Japan

After the proper Christian shame following masturbation, my second thought is "Oi, I wish I could see those little buggers up close!" Well thanks to the Japanese (crazies) they have a microscope just for that. That's correct, this handy dandy micro is exclusively for guys to watch their swimmers die. Bless you Japan, bless you.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Random: Gucci's "Trailer"

So Frank Miller can only do black and white with random hints of color. This time he's decided to put it in Evan Rachel Wood's hair instead of the Spirit's tie. And Chris Evans takes his shirt off. This is all for some random perfume. Gucci didn't get the recession memo.

Need To See: Black Swan

Someone will take me. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis making out is hot even to me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Does One Get to That Deluxe Apartment?

Some genius (we use that term a lot here) decided to come up with some pretty awesome Google map directions to get you through your favorite songs and TV themes. This route, for example, is exactly what Wheezy did. Bless her heart. Check out some more over in this direction here. Ah, you see what I did there? I used the word direction while talking about maps. It's quality stuff like this that keeps you people reading.

I Want To Watch This Version:

Uploaded by LesSingesHurlants. - Arts and animation videos.

It's not quite the same without hearing Mark Hamill's insane "NOOoOOOoOOOOoOOoOOO" (the lowercase o's denote lulls in the infinite sadness that Luke felt at the news, that and you know....Lucas's writing.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Believe It Or Not: A Kevin Max Music Video

Ah, my favorite remnant of my previous Christian music perusings. Enjoy the monkey people riding about on bicycles. Who wouldn't?

Sorry about my lack of blogging recently, school is particularly fond of me not sleeping at the moment.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How Do We Feel? Karate Ads

I wonder how differently my life would have turned out if my dad didn't put me in a dress as a punishment for acting girly...and sent me to karate. I could have biceps...and have lost my virginity at a much younger age. Hmm, on second thought, I support these terrible ads.

Friday, August 13, 2010

When I Was Taking My Pantyhose Out Of Their Egg..

Gah, this is so much better than that silly "Fire with Fire" video. In other news, I feel the need to own some colored tape and a Scissor Sisters alarm clock. Make it so.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Weezer's "Hurley" Album Cover

That's it, Weezer has a new album coming out called Hurley and Hurley is on it. That's really all we need to know. Weezer is the new coolest band ever.

Blog World: I Love Charts

An entire tumblr dedicated to two men's love of charts. I'm not sure if that possessive is right. I need a graph. I may have to look elsewhere? Who exactly defines what a graph is? a chart? Does Michael Jackson's ghost prefer one over the other? Check out the rest over here. No, it was back there.< way.

Thanks to Josephine the Frilly and her husband Justin the Noble.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Next Star Trek Film Should Look As Such:

It's the only possible way it could be better than Star Wars...is to you know if they bring in that other one that's better than both put together and divided by Dagobah.

Mmmm Nathan Fillion in tight yellow....give it a minute.

Blog World: Bad Yearbook Photos

I'm pretty sure I need to find a large copy of my seventh grade photo and send to this sight. I look more androgynous than Annie Lennox in it, due of course to my breasts and my lovely parted long haircut. God really should have shot me back then, instead I was washed in the blood of butch haircuts. Huzzah. Regardless check out the delightfully awkward photos here.

Scissor Sisters TV: The Jane Fonda Edition

Ah, our monthly Scissor Sisters newscast is here to make me giggle and get giddy in general anticipation for their show on the 21st. If any of you out there in reader land are going, let me know. I need more company! I want a brigade of nerds to protect me from the gay surroundings, I'm virginal.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good On Pipes

Oh Eva Mendes, I've never really seen a movie of yours I love. However (comma) you amuse me with this. It's partially because it's late and I need sleep. We won't focus on that though, sweet Eva, no we're gonna go use some S.Ex. Tape.

Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional

Well well, look at that. Someone in the state of California realizes that any law that denies citizens basic human rights is indeed unconstitutional. Fear not, Sarah Palin and her band of "mama grizzlies" will soon sound off on this and the answer will involve something about Russia and cubs and the liberal college of arts, I mean media.

But no, of course this ruling will be swiftly appealed by those crazy ass Christians who really can't focus on bettering the world through the actual things that Christ talked about and feel the need to stick their hypocritical fingers in everyone else's business.

Keep in mind, dear reader, that simply by visiting this site you're well above the average American citizen in nearly every respect, except perhaps gun ownership, or Glen Beck viewing records.


Ghosts of World War II

Sergey Larenkov is a Russian photographer who takes shots captured during World War 2 and superimposes them amid modern day photos of the same era. They serve as quite a striking reminder of how much history the streets of Europe contain. They also display that soldiers aren't really fashion conscious. Alas. Check out the rest over here at My Modern Met

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bad Ass: Block = Gun

How sexy is that? This puzzle block, when disassembled, turns into a fully functional .45 caliber pistol complete with laser site. Given that I'm actually on a James Bond kick I have my perfect pew pew accessory. Make it so readers, make it so.

Need: Zedonk

Look how cute! I shall name it Ephram. He shall be king of the Jews...from my backyard.

Aw, Math Love

If I knew what any of this meant, I'd find it cute. Since I don't...I find it....cute. Dammit, I can't even do word math. I need to go to sleep.

Boycott? Target Supports Anti-Gay Candidate

We have two wars still going on years after no one cares what even happens in the area, a recession that shows no sign of leaving for months if not years to come and Republicans dressing up as tea partiers (and not the Alice in Wonderland kind). So it seems odd to me that a candidate could even reasonably be worried about whether or not the homos next door can perform their sodomy in a legally binding sense. That, however, is exactly what Republican Tom Emmer is basing part of his campaign on in the Minnesota gubernatorial race.

So logically, Target, home of the gay budget shoppers everywhere decides to throw $150,000 his way to help out his campaign.

Wait, what?

Considering nearly everything I have bought in the last 3 years has come from Target or Ikea it would really pinch my purse strings to avoid shopping there, but this is absolutely ludicrous. Dear Target sirs and madams. How about you go fund a candidate vowing to get rid of stupid people. Oh that's right, you'd be out of business.


If Only

I single-handedly would keep any public transit system in the green. It's a true story.