Thursday, September 23, 2010

O RLY? Superheroes as Hipsters

I hate hipsters.  There I said it. I'm a racist. It's not my fault though, it's that hipsters drug cartels killed my mother with purple kool aid that was brought across the border by pack mules. If you don't believe me, look it up.

Regardless check out the rest over at College Humor, here roughly.

Seriously, I Need New Pants: Bioshock Infinite Gameplay

There's like dorkgasm all over my desk. I'm terribly embarrassed, so I'm not sure why I'm tell you lot.

But seriously you get to shoot birds. BIRDS. 40 years later down in Rapture you only get some wussy wasps or crap.


Like Ca-Caw Ca-Caw.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He Prefers The Boys: Eddie Long

Well my home state is all in the news of the gay world this week. We found out that someone in the camp of Saxby Chambliss was responsible for a ridiculous homophobic comment on a website and now one of our most prominent "men of God" has yet another lawsuit on his hands.

Apparently Long used his position of power and the words of his favorite imaginary friend (ie scripture) to coerce young males into sexual acts. This is another one of those famous "Gay people are evil horrible creatures" in the public then they're off to the local gloryhole to contemplate their hypocrisy while smoking some meat pole.

I'm not sure how many of these geniuses it will take for mainstream america to understand that obviously homosexuality is something that isn't prevalent only among the democrats or city dwellers. It is indeed just part of the human condition and these weasel-y people who claim otherwise are simply uncomfortable in their own skins – and often prefer those of other boys.  

I Think I Wet Myself: Epic Harry Potter Trailer

No, seriously, I need a tissue. There's a movie based on literature that has more to draw me to it than Taylor Lautner's abs. Take note people, take note.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tegan and Sara's "Northshore" Video

Apparently I always like the "non-single" tunes from albums, so it's weird when one of my favorites gets a video and star treatment (like Lindsey Lohan without all the drugs and bitch). I was excited when I heard about Northshore being the new single....and then the video of them hopping around in a room make me.....well I still like it. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

VH1 (does that channel even exist anymore?) DIVAS: The Lullaby Edition

This lady is my new hero. Check out Elissa Rosenthal doing some spot on impersonations of nearly every female singer of the past decade. It pleases my face, much like money does. Money and coke.

The drink. Coke. The drink.

Random Hot: Justin Gaston

Gaston, like, the hot guy Belle wasn't interested in. Silly woman.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

More New Florence

Our favorite fiery-haired Brit has released a new video for "Heavy In Your Arms", her contribution to the Eclipse soundtrack. It's very Tori Amos meets Paranormal Activity. Enjoy, crap your pants.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm Going To Hell...

even if it did take me a few seconds.

Will Keep In Mind...

You may has to clicks it to makes it biggerns than it are right now.

I'm not too terribly sure how completely fracked up english is relative to typography, but it just felt right, so I went with it. That's how I usually end up with my pants around my ankles in the mall.

The American Entrepreneurial Spirit

A girl cant be widdout her hurr did, y'all. No seriously, you should have at least got two dear, where's your self respect?

Mine's A Kitchen

If I could pick it up, I could throw it at them. Alas, I am teh doomed!

Need: Unicorn Bike

The majestic beauty is almost too much to bear.

I can't...bear it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Exploding People! Florence's Re-released "Dog Days Are Over" Video

Florence and the Machine "DOG DAYS ARE OVER" Music Video from LEGS MEDIA on Vimeo.

So who knew she came out with a different video for this track that the rest of the world got into over a year and a half ago? This whole American crap is boring me. I need to move.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

FALL MIX! Download Now!

So I (finally) put together a new mix of pure awesome. Follow the link and check it out. Then let me know what you think of course!

Since my last one got pulled rather quickly, we're going to not mention who's on it and so forth, see if that helps (check the second image for the full line-up though). If it gets yanked, just let me know and we will remedy that situation.

Download here: A Lesson in Obscurity

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Colored Pencil Scupltures - Neato

Artist Jennifer Maestre creates these ornate sculptures out of colored pencils. Children of the world have less colored pencils to work with. Visionary or Villain? Next on Sick Sad World.

No, they're totally awesome. Check out some more here.

Yes, I'm aware it takes you to Women's Day. As a gay man who prefers night, I'm not sure how I ended up on there either.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Good Gravy Cakes...

To quote a completely unrelated item from Miss Rachel Tensions, "I don't know who he is, but if there's a snow storm tonight, he's going on my tires."

But....we do know who he is. His name is Matthieu, and....he's like Mr. Gay September for...something, it's like in Spanish or French, or Krypton. I can't tell.

Why We Invented Commas

Unless of course, you have no problems F*ckin a dude. Then all is groovy, as the French would say.

Cat of DOOM

He can cut you, I can feel it.

Simple, Awesome Star Wars Posters

Andy Helms has done a series of very similar but quite clever Star Wars posters for episodes 4, 5 and 6 of the franchise. I'm jealous-y, because I can't draw a gorramn thing in illustrator. Check out the others over here on Laughing Squid

Does Not Want To Go On A Cruise

My question is were those people in the background of the first segment just oblivious to the fact that the rest of this ship is swirling around them like a future teen mom's dress on prom night? They are impervious to gravity...or inertia...or you movement.

By the way, watch the video with no sound.

Milla Jovovich Talks RE:4, Makes Me Sad

Milla Jovovich Video Interview RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE from ColliderVideos on Vimeo.

I'm a total sad geek for planning on seeing this first thing this weekend, but part of the interview made me quite worried about it (not like I'm expecting the next American Beauty going in or anything). Milla talks about how they've brought Alice "back down" from the pupil-dilating, everything drops dead and gives me an erection bad-assery to the "navy seal" level.

That's not what I was hoping for, for shame Resident Evil, for shame. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Need: Buffy Edition Jones Soda

So Jones soda, in an effort to become even cooler than they already are, is celebrating the Buffyverse by releasing a limited edition run of Buffy season 8 sodas in six different flavors. I need one of each, I expect them in the mail soon. Before he got fat I wanted to taste Xander's strawberries in real life anyway. It's time to live vicariously people.

Friday, September 3, 2010

I Need To Be Productive

Instead of using Netflix this much. Really, you'd imagine I didn't do anything else...

*UPDATED* I don't do anything else. That's right.

Just Seriously Unneccessarily Sexy

The photo was obviously pulled from various blogs...but seriously, God hates me for putting people like this around...well it's really a love/hate kind of thing. Bastard.

The United States of Star Wars

For everyone who has ever pondered the corresponding Star Wars lore geographic location to their state, there is this lovely guide to show you. In the forefront of the news world: Georgia is Taris. Bastilla saved us from some racer thugs, or was it the other way around?

Regardless, check out the full list here

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Only Gay In The Command Center

The Blue Gaynger? Awesome sauce. I knew there was a reason I related to him aside from the glasses...which wait, I didn't have until I was in seventh grade. So it must have just been all the gay, cause I sure as hell didn't wear overalls.

Addictive: Tone Matrix

I seriously just spent far too long sitting there going, "damn I'm gonna be the next Lady Gaga, but without all that ugly". Check out the matrix here and play til your heart's content.

I Knew It

I'm moving to Arizona, where they don't deal with that shit.

Try To Suffer Through

There has never been anything more convincing of these crazies cause like the eloquent answer that was:

"Yeah, just restoring honor and freedom and kind of help the, you know, the white house people to understand that, you know, we need to, um, you know, we need to work for, you know, freedom and you know. And it's just because things that are going on in the White House right now are just absolutely insane. And then, you know, it's it's becoming, you know, it's just America is kinda becoming more, you know, Communist, you know, Socialist, it's crazy."

Well, I, you know, have been convinced, you know.

Speaking of Unecessary Princesses...Car Lashes

Problem one: these are eyelashes for your car.
Problem two: the only women who will buy these can't drive already
Problem three: Problem one + Problem two.

Math is fun!

Hooray Another! Advice From Belle

It's true, candlesticks are French. They are wise in the ways of amour and getting freaky with feather dusters.