Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Patrick Wolf! "The City"

Ok, so yes, I love his voice. I could do without his video acting. Ever since the clip for "Accident and Emergency" where he's doing the low-budget Britney Spears thing without a hint of irony.

However, the song (as most of his are) is rather good.

Sorry for all the videos in a row!

Friday, January 28, 2011

You Can Learn A Lot From A Booth

I appreciate good Manyers. As well as Hyundaiei.

New Lykke Li! "I Follow Rivers"

Ah, the obsession continues. It's like that Calvin Klein cologne or whatnot from back in the day but without the unnecessary whispering.

The new album Wounded Rhymes comes out soon. Go get one.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not Surprising: Chick-fil-A are homophobes

I suppose this gets filed under "duh" but chick-fil-a has as good as come out and said "NAYYY" to us homos. Their center called WinShape, which is ran by the company's charitable branch has openly said they will deny entry to any homosexual couple.

When asked for a black or white answer the company said, quote:

"We do not accept homosexual couples because of the statement in our contract."

You can read the full story here. Dammit, I like their hashbrowns for breakfast. No more though. They shall not tell me I can't get married then attempt to give me a coronary. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


You bet your knickers.

And it's funny as all degrees of satan's jockstrap.

Look at that 2 undergarment references in one post that had absolutely nothing to do with underwear.

Tee Hee. Seriously Though. Cremation Would Handle That.

Also those unsightly blemishes.

Shoot Her in Her Fairy Face

Seriously, Navi. You nearly ruined my adventures in Hyrule, and now you can't even get through a job interview.


If only wolverine was a raptor and not a sexy hairy Australian. I mean that would be abysmal cool, right?

Check out all of the dinosaur superheroes from d.r3sto here.

One Of The Better Superbowl Commercials


I love Doritos.

Real Life Little Big Planet

Just in case creating your own levels in the game wasn't time-consuming enough. Someone decided they needed to build their own sack people too.

Over achievers.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Illustrated Telephone

I, for one, know that the first time I heard Gaga's Telephone, that I needed a two color 50's style animated textbook to go along with it. THANKFULLY Andrew Kolb heard my prayers and provided this rather badass one.  Check out the full awesomeness here.

Moving To Australia...

I hear they keep these there...

80% Of Men Have Been Shy At One Point...

Where in the gay hell is this other 20%?

Problem number one: some women are willing to throw random liquids at men in order to lure them into relationships.

Problem number two: some women are willing to spend who knows how much on a video that tells them that some women are willing to throw random liquids at men in order to lure them into relationships.

Unneeded: Final Fantasy XIII-2

So they are (of course) making a sequel to one of my least favorite FF games. Nooo, they couldn't do a sequel to XII (which was good). They want another 10 minute cutscene, 2 minute game play 14 minute cutscene, 4 minute game play sequel.

Maybe you'll be able to change dresses and sing enemies to death in this one too. Since that worked out so well before...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So it has been written, so it shall come to pass. And Tom Hardy is Bane. This shall be an interesting film indeed.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Most Randomly Awesome Chair Ever

That's a chair that has a giant octopus of awesomeness taking up half the room behind it. Yeah. I need that. If for no other reason, to scare the neighborhood children (not involving me walking naked through my house).

Friday, January 14, 2011

"I Wanna Bulletproof Dancer" = A Lifetime of Gay

Seriously, these are my favorite songs from 1987 and 2010 combined into one. And my mother didn't realize I was a poofter. Seriously?

Well *Somebody* Doesn't Like Wii Sports

Here's a delightfully subtle/fucked up video produced by an...individual. It's intriguing and made me keep checking over my shoulder for skinny asian guys in underwear. ::shudder::

Monday, January 10, 2011

Duly Noted.

Now if I could just grow a beard I could have an excuse for my current methods.

I'd Buy That: Josh Groban Sings Kanye Tweets

Further proof that the world needs to hear less out of Kanye's mouth, more out of other things, such as Mary Poppins. Where is that bitch?

Unneeded: Angry Birds Real Life Game

Didn't they learn their lesson when Wii bowling and tennis overtook the real thing for 90% of the country? C'mon people. but supposedly this is coming out by the end of the year. Unless we revolt! Then it will...probably come out sooner.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pearl and the Beard Make Will Smith Seem...Tolerable

I've been singing their praises to anyone around me that will listen and "Oh Death" was one of my favorite tracks on my last mix (look at last month's history if you, for some unknown reason, didn't download it). Here they are in video form to please you. Be pleased.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cheeky Bastard

He was murdered soon thereafter. Bless his heart.

A Handy Guide To Genital Contact


I knew I was getting into the wrong line of work.

Slight Casting Issue: I Mean For Reals?

So it looks as if it's serious that Mickey Rourke (the tragic figure on the left, obviously) is going to be playing Gareth Thomas (The not remotely tragic figure on the right) in an upcoming bio pic of the gay rugby player.

So, Hollywood, tell me. You have a GAY RUGBY PLAYER (literally the focus of 50% of non american gay porn — that's just what I hear of course —) played by Mickey Rourke. Yes, he is often times a remarkable actor, but look at him.

That is all.

God is Not Gay

It's a little long yeah, but watch it. It made me giggle like a giggling thing. You know one of those like, dinosaurs who went "GIIGLLLLEEE" instead of roar. They were the last to go extinct, they didn't take themselves too seriously. Fact.

Tuscan Raider Booty: Star Wars Pinups

So is it homoerotic to take predominately male characters and turn them into sexy girls? If so I'm pasting my face all over some random porn chick pics and spreading them about the interwebs.

Ohh boooyyyss.

Check out the rest of the awesome approximately here.

Vandermemes! Required For A Full Life

The saddest thing about this? He's still totally doable.

*Ugh I need the "awkward" Vandermeme. Stat.

Slightly Unnecessary

Does having this much ink on one's body confuse said person when trying to determine what color they are? Can I get enough tattoos to be a black guy? Will it make my junk bigger? Hmmm.

Random Hot: AJ Pack

Yeah, that's nice. Give me a few minutes, I'll return.

Don't Let My Boyfriend See This...

Or I'll be picking bear poo out of the carpet for weeks. And none of that Disney-fied Winnie the Pooh stuff, this is like for real butt dumplings.

OMG, It's 2011 Happy New Year!

I'm very much on time.

Yay punctuality!