Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So Apparently This Is Real: ASpray

He works hard for a living and has special odors....his butt. Really? Conservative America is going to either

A: pitch an absolute conniption fit over this one

B: buy every bottle in existence

Orgasm: Shirley Manson Joins No Doubt On Stage

Why did this not happen at the Atlanta show? Ah, well it's Atlanta for one. and two. and three. :: sigh ::

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dirty Car Art

Scott Wade doodles on very very dirty filthy (prostitute) cars with some fantastic results. See a gallery of his work here. I doodled in a dirty car once. It was mostly a series of penises though.

Just The Right Timing Photography

Fellow blogger "Funky Downtown" has compiled this list of photos that meet the 'right time right place' requirements. What are those requirements you might ask? A bottle of scotch and some rosemary. True story. Look them over here.

Oh No(ish). Matthew Fox Is Leaving TV After Lost

Matthew Fox stated at Comic Con this year that this last season of Lost will be his final bit of TV acting.

" I am not going to do television again. I have done two TV shows – Lost and Party of Five – that have each run for 6 years. I want to find a way to have more control over when I am working and when I’m not.

I am 42 and a father of two children and I don’t want to miss them growing up. I don’t want to find myself 10 years from now feeling like I was an absentee father because I was so focused on my career."

You left TV to me when Jack shaved his chest. Yes. Suddenly the show was a character short. It was even shaved on the island. The days of hatch-shaving had been long gone with the explosion my friend. True story.

Tons of Comic Con 09 Cosplay

You can see tons of pics of people dressed up as loons for this years Comic Con. Yes, I'm jealous I don't look as good in spandex as Poison Ivy. check them out here.

I'm Going To Go Straight: Reason 1

Just's like all the bad things from my childhood plus a ghetto queen. Wait, it's just like my childhood.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why Not? Guy Climbs Building WIth "Vacuum Gloves"

What else can you say to add to this? Pastrami. That's what.

America Has Poor Taste Volume 3

Ladies and gentlemen, your number one movie of the week is: G-Force. G-Force. That's right, the guinea pig thing. I know that the Harry Potter movie was somewhat disappointing, but this? It's your own damn fault when we are watching adverts for G-Force 5.

Friday, July 24, 2009

LOST: New Viral Video

ABC has released a new video from a "short lived program" of theirs in the "80s" that may be of particular interest to fans of LOST. I used to sit and analyze things like this hardcore. Now I just sit and pick my belly button lint. At least there's still sensible storylines there. Ay-oh. Enjoy.

Alice In Wonderland Trailer: I'm Less Worried

It looks much better than the pictures would have led us to believe. I shall hold final reservations until I have more chickens. Isn't that how the saying goes? Oh I dunno. I am not drunk, Mr. Spiderwick.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Warcraft Movie Gets A Director

The Warcraft movie (yes, apparently there is going to be one) has found a director in Sam Raimi (you know, the Spider Man guy). Blizzard Entertainment and Legendary Pictures announced their selection after "searching at length to find the very best director". Hmm.

Ghetto Fab

Um, hells yeah. That's all I need in life.

She Has No Clothes! Evan Rachel Wood

Ms. Wood decided that she don't need no stinkin shirt, or pants, or anything in the lastest issue of ID magazine. I've never heard of it, but there's naked people apparently.

Also, the only way to censor photos is silhouettes of Victorian stuff. That's an Aaron fact

Monday, July 20, 2009

So Much Better Than Me! Photoshop Edition

Erik Johansson is a 23 year old (younger than me...fucker) student in Sweden (lives in Europe....fucker) who is quite handy at photoshop (fucker). You can check out some of his fun concepts and precise work here.


Kid Decides Logical Way To Become Transformer Is Drink Gas

A 14 year old in China has been drinking gasoline daily since he was nine to become a powerful warrior like Optimus Prime (seen above, surprisingly the child doesn't look like this yet).

Two things:
1. His parents are concerned about it now??

2. His father uses not being good at math as an example of how bad it's become. A chinese boy, not good at math! The world is ending surely.

read the article here.

Prince of Persia Poster: Eh

So here's Disney's first posters for Prince of Persia. Generally speaking, I'm all for the super clean typefaces and stuff. I just don't know if it works here. It feels kind of Mickey Mouse presents 300.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Smash Brothers Kick-assiness

Photographer Greg Stefano has came out with this neato series featuring people in Cosplay for varioius Super Smash Bros. Characters. I heartily approve. So does your mother. OOOOOOOHHHH. Check them out here

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Sad: First Person Shooter Disease

I actually have Warcraft wrist. It's either that or all the masturbation. Yeah. masturbation.

Another Helena Bonham Carter Pic

Because why the hell not? Empire has released four images of Tim Burton's Alice characters holding animals. Why? Because Lewis Carrol insisted upon it. He lives in a basement in the Soho district. True story. Look at them here

Slightly Old Movie News: Harry Potter = Lots Of Midnight Money

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is now the record holder for highest grossing midnight release ever. It pulled in a hefty $22.5 million in midnight sales (that's about half of a paycheck of mine for those keeping score). It surpassed The Dark Knight's $18 million and Revenge of the Sith's $17m. It also means that I've been dorky enough to see the top three midnight releases at midnight. Because nothing says "I have a life" than surrounding yourself by heavy breathing sweaty guys at midnight. Well, actually, in the gay world I guess I'm doing well.

Yes Please: Whip It Trailer

Sorry for my delay on posting yet again, this school thing takes up time. No one told me that.

Here is the trailer for Drew Barrymore's directorial debut Whip It. I think I'd see it. I think I'd see it...all night.

Let's see: requirements for a movie

1. Ellen Page (check)
2. Kristen Wiig (check)
3. A Peaches song in your trailer (check)
4. Roller skates (check)

See! it meets all four of my newly established not applicable requirements!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Worst/Creepiest Retro Ads

Retro Comedy has compiled their list of the creepiest vintage ads ever. This one isn't as creepy as it is flat out awesome. I think we should revert to this methodology. I would totally design ads for Lane Bryant if I could be more honest. Or if they gave me potato chips. Check out the list here

Jesus Loves Kitty Love?

I couldn't resist posting this. It's like the saddest day of your life mixed with a giant lion erection. Lurid Digs is an ABSOLUTELY NSFW website that I wouldn't recommend. It features tragic sad naked men in even more tragically designed living rooms. If you do decide to go there and suffer from some form of blindness or Lou Gerigh's disease, don't blame me.

Tart Cards! Text Made Sleazy

Wallpaper has a brilliant gallery of prostitute advertising cards designed by Londoners featuring various fonts and all their naughtiness. Check out the site here Helvetica is one skanky chick.

Thanks to Emily for the tip!

0h n0! Txting Teen Falls Dwn Manhle

Somebody give that bitch a license and a phone. Let's see how many we can kill. Check out the video newscast covering it here

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We Literally Need Help Wiping Our Asses Now

I hope whoever invented this dies. Preferably from anal trauma. I hope whoever came up with this campaign dies. Preferably from anal trauma while being videotaped to shred their "dignity".

Friday, July 10, 2009

Silly Women: Twilight Tattoos

Reason #940853 I'm glad I have a penis. I got to skip out on all that crap. Also I suppose it's reason #523 I'm glad I'm over 12. Check out all the horrible goodness here

Does This Do Anything For Me? Shia LeBeouf Shirtless

I can't seem to figure it out, I mean sure it's a half naked guy. But it's a half naked guy from Even Stevens. It feels like oggling my little sister.

Kick Ass: WWII Adverts Retofitted For Today

Flickr user Brian Lane Winfield Moore (that's a mouthful) uploaded a series of WWII posters that have been altered to reflect today's connected lifestyles. They are undoubtedly brilliant and have given me a design erection. It's true. Check them all out here

Pop Collar Prevention: Yes!

Miller apparently hired an intelligent designer for a new Miller Inventions campaign. no.3 on the list? The most important anti-douche invention in the history of inventions that don't like douches!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Questionable: Jennifer's Body Trailer

This is the red band trailer so it's a bit NSFW if you' know if you're planning on...not working and watching Slutty McSlutterson Megan Fox parade around mostly naked quipping stripper inspired one liners. Kinda like me.

I'm Behind: The Ledge

The Sears Tower opened up the Ledge to the public last week. It's a creepy as hell, oh my God I'm going to die glass balcony on the 103rd floor of the tower. Fat people: be very very careful.

Gorgeous/Disturbing/Awesome: New Zealand Billboards

Apparently, rain in New Zealand is a big deal as far as road-related deaths are concerned. So one brilliant designer decided to bring awareness to the situation through rather disturbing means. Check the video and wish that we lived there, I mean they could double as anything. More children are beaten in the rain, the neighbors excessively loud music bursts my the rain.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Adrian Brody Skips A Step Getting Dressed

But I would still do dastardly, unspeakable things to him.
(pic from Just Jared...obviously)

Sarah Palin Resigns

Oh my Gash guys, what're we gonna do without Caribou Barbie in office? The answer: something productive?

Palin announced her resignation as Alaska's governor Friday (because nothing says happy fourth like a vacant government position).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

WHY? The Wearable Towel

Is there seriously a question of why our economy is ass raped right now? I mean it seems logical that if people are spending their money on this crap sooner or later we won't have any. I would never buy one...unless it came with one of the boys in it.

I Giggled A Bit

But really, fight the good fight Vegans. Keep saving the whales or whatever it is you do.

::Shudders:: Creepy Ass Sewer Worms

This footage is from the sewers underneath Raleigh, North Carolina (which explains a lot about that state). It apparently is a clump of hundreds of worms living together inside the pipeline. Now I'm going to have weird worm dreams, it's happened before. I assure you.