Thursday, June 30, 2011

Will Have: Steampunk Wedding Cake

So if the man and I can ever get married, I'm going to have a steampunk cake much like this one. However, instead of gears, I think I'll have mechanical balls all over it. Simply to hammer home the homo thing, in case the two guys at the altar didn't clue folks in.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Dream House?

Number one: it's pretty as balls (and those are pretty)
Number two: It's in Australia. (the land of sex and accents)
Number three: It's VERY pretty.

Check out the rest all here like.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

To Watch List: Brave

Yes, it looks awesome. I do, however, have a question. Why is it every time there's a movie in Scotland it *has* to have the word Brave in it?

Ponder it.

Take That Commies

So this is what happens when you build Communist statues...

Superman and what appears to be Santa Claus and Ronald McDonald tear that bitch up.

You see that look the Man of Steel is giving Ronald? That's right: It's envy.

The Good Just Doesn't Stop

That's right: A MST3K headboard.

Now Servo and Crow can make snide witty comments about your sexual performance and nocturnal flatulence patterns.


Best. Acting. Ever.

Colin Firth, we need that bloody Oscar back. Things were obviously rigged for this gentleman not to win.

On a secondary note, how helpful is it that we learn Spanish during?

The answer: Very.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You Guys Probably Haven't Noticed...

but I've been on a bit of a hiatus. There's just something (the aliens) not telling me to blog. It had gotten to the point where it felt like a job and not the amazing fun times it used to be. Also, it seems I've found myself out of things to say rather often. So, my hiatus will continue until I feel like I can actually put out something that my friends will find interesting/amusing and not this lazy crap I've been providing.