Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Aaron Has A Crush On...

on a documentarian with a handlebar moustache.

That's just how it is ok.

Jessie J "Nobody's Perfect"

British Paul gave me the scoop on her forever ago, but for some reason she never really clicked until recently. This song pleases me, as does Alice in Wonderland, even if it has been done to literal death. ::literal death scene::

This is A Big Jellyfish

This is the Lion's Mane jellyfish. It is one of the oldest species on Earth, believed to have been around back when good old Theodore Rex was roaming around battling Mexicans.

Check them out, they're gorgeous/terrifying.

Quote of the Week

Who is this Liz Feldman person? I would look her up...but that would require effort. And I'm just amazed I actually got on to blog today, so let's not stress my abilities out ok?

I want bacon.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Best Movie Tagline Ever.

Yeah, that sums it up. Because hills really had a bad rap before The Sound of Music, and actually since then too. They developed eyes...and zombies and shit.

Check out AdWeek's full list of the top 66 (because, that's the best top ___ number ever) here.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Perfectly Timed Photos Are Timed...Perfectly

Go visit the website or Godzilla bird here will peck you like the scrumptious birdseed you are. Birdseed God I need to go back to sleep

Check out some more here.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Snowflakes, Like REALLY Close Up

This is the kind of thing that could make me wonder if there *was* a God. Not a republican telling me I'm going to hell for all my homo-sin.

Check out more amazing microscope photos here.

Penguin Tickles! (Updated)

:schoolgirl laughter:

Yes, my day is complete. Word.

Patricia Sund is a hooker and I had to replace the video

No Stops at The Art Institute Tomorrow

Straight to the fifth floor bitches. Granted, the wait for the elevator is just as long as the entire...walking up the stairs process.

That's not the point. the point is I'd arrive all fresh, clean and non-stoppy

Dorito-Taco-Taco Bell

A nacho-cheese taco from Dorito Bell. This shall apparently come to pass all across the country. Prepare for the pothead invasion.

via Geekologie

Monday, April 18, 2011

That's Right: Look at It

So my Twitter followers already know how much I loathe and despise love Gaga's new amazingly awful album cover that apparently isn't a joke.

Chrome colored bubble type people.

Let that sink it.

Chrome. Bubble.

Someone inform this woman that she's officially useless now.

This is Our Mom, She's Hot

Like, oven-baked hot. From the cupcakes.

Check out the fake-tan awesome-ness here.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One of the Better Mash Ups Ever

It's dancy and fun...but without Spears singing. It's like....a dream come true on top of a unicorn carrying a nude Jake Gyllenhaal

Smartest Child Ever

See, one family is teaching them correctly. The others are voting for Donald Trump.

Congrats Gay British Celibates!

If you are a British gay man *and* you haven't had sex in ten years (which means, I suppose that you're only gay-ish that way), you can now give blood! So go save lives and butts.

Read more here.

Republican Stew

it's tastier when it's from a socialist soup kitchen.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Art of SHADOWY DOOOM. Or Just Shadows

In the most not-like-me artform news of the day (my shadow puppet bunnies look something akin to this:)

aposecyq293c58ny √÷5n/n  æ n t CFSHNFROEFW;
vgrkhjacwklnuaceshopaf;'oqrwpou ew
esckhbjahiou ewm.,as

...on a good day...

Check out the shadowy goodness here

here's some

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Peeing: A Helpful Guide

I used to be a number 2. Then I stopped giving a shit. ......

Note: Don't use scatological curses when talking about body waste. /note

Check out the full list of the sad state of guys taking a whiz here.

Sex is No Accident

Further proof that America blows, European MTV is still relevant and helpful. As far as sex being no accident. My past would argue with you. Loudly.

Now If I Had That Voice...

Then Florence and I could have been the same person. Except I don't have a vagina, or am I British, or well...

Ok, I'm gonna sit in my basement now.

Birthday Present: This Umbrella of Badassery.

Make it happen. If Jesus loved me, he would do it. But he doesn't. He tried to give me a poptart once and I declined. Took it personally. Rude.

Check out the awesome sauceness over here.

My New Favorite Commercial. Ever.

My God he was good. I don't even smoke but I was forced to have one after.

This Amused Me....In A Sad Way

They seem delightfully serious about it most of the time. That makes it slightly uncomfortable. Like a boner in seventh grade math class at the board. That *never* happened to me. So I can't relate.


Blog World: My High School Boyfriend Was Gay

For all of my exes those women out there who happened to date a homo back in high school fear not, there is a blog to support you in your...predicament/lack of judgment/desperation?
Enjoy all the gay goodness, just like Tina up there did. Click here.