Thursday, May 28, 2009

Oh Unholy Hell. Buffy Relaunch? Why?

It looks like the most unholy of things is coming to pass in a nearby theater soon. (No, it's not yet another Fast and Furious movie). The Kuzui couple (executive producers for the Buffy movie, tv show and Angel series) is planning a "reboot" of Joss Whedon's cult favorite show. However, Joss Whedon won't be involved as it stands now.

Kuzui owns the rights to the character somehow and they are looking to make an "event sized" film that introduces a "new generation" to the slayer.

Prepare for the backlash Kuzui, some of those kids really get into the vampire thing. Like...with biting. We can only hope they (Kuzui, not vampire kids)die before this comes to pass.

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