Thursday, March 25, 2010

John Stewart = Hero

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Conservative Libertarian
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform

Do you think that when a conservative views this that they, somehow, realize that their fear-mongering and idiotic principles are stark reminders of the past administration that put the country into our current predicament? Or do you think that they realized that there aren't enough Mountain Dews in the refrigerator because there's a black President?

It appears that you cannot look at the news media without mountains of coverage of these inane individuals spouting "socialism" and making rather uninformed statements comparing (with a straight face) Obama to Hitler. What these, often times low-income (the people benefiting the most from the health care bill) individuals fail to realize is that when they become older and are no longer covered by their current employers health plan is that they are very much going to be relying on the government to support their geriatric years. Pair that with McDonald's drive-thru convenience and you are looking at my father in twenty years unable to pay for his coronary problems. I think it would be a poor time to point his political leanings out, but I may not be able to help myself.

Enjoy the video, because apparently Obama is going to control the internet soon (that's what I heard at a teabagging (for Chrissake people) convention).

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