Thursday, March 5, 2009

LOST...About flippin time!

Episode 5.09 of Lost titled "La Fleur" was, well it wasn't too bad. This season has given me the most conflicted thoughts I've ever had about the show. I've always wished that Lost would move faster, focus more on the mythology surrounding the island and focus less on each character's (now seemingly tame) pasts. So that's what Lost did, and I haven't loved it.

Now, don't get me wrong. The show is still easily the best thing that is happening on television at this point. The acting is still brilliant, the cinematography still gorgeous. I think the real problem lies in how out-of-place this season feels. Seasons 1-4 were this amazing, compact story. It was 100 days long and you saw everything that happened. It was astonishing. Now, we are heading into this season with the Losties flipping through time, hitting different key points in the island's history far too briefly for it to really have the same impact as say: finding the beechcraft.

Think back to when Locke and Boone first found the hatch back in the middle of season one. Everyone was at home gawking at the television going "what the...". Now, many years later you can see something of paramount importance to the show ie. Widmore being revealed to have actually been an Other and it doesn't seem to have the same weight.

Also, we are only seeing bits and pieces of not only the islands history but of our characters present lives. This past episode kept playing with that ugly "Three years later" "Three years earlier" thing. Ugh. So, we saw every minute detail of their lives after the crash. Now, we are shown maybe two or three days out of three years worth of stories. It irks me. What can I say?

:: shrugs ::
They have given us some brilliant stuff this season though. Locke's murder is easily one of the most intense and harrowing scenes of the entire series. It seems, though, that for every "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" we have the silly parts of "316" where Locke must be wearing Christian's shoes for the flight to go as planned, but Walt doesn't have to come back. That is just....well it's silly.

I digress. The best ten seconds of this past episode was definitely the statue. We've waited over 40...yes over 40 episodes to see what was going on with that crazy four toed wonder that Sayid, Jin and Sun spotted ever so long ago. I gasped when I saw it.

I'm also glad that Sawyer is with Juliet. I think that could have something to do with the fact that I despise and loathe Kate. I think Ms. Austen's purpose has been served. What else does her character have to do aside from sexually confuse her male counterparts? In my, humble yet ever so right, opinion she should have been killed off once we found out "what she did".

Alas. It's two weeks before we get to see it again. Maybe I should rewatch some and try to ease up on my scrutiny. We shall see.



  1. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say Mr. Bond. Well, except for the killing of Kate. She is DEFINITELY getting on my nerves but I don't want her character completely gone. Maybe 'cause she's hot, I don't know.

    The four-toed statue scene was WAY too short.

    I thought the most beautiful part of the episode was when Dan sees Charlotte as a child. It's so sad and moving.

    Why isn't there a new episode next week?

  2. Maybe, I mean, sure she's attractive.

    Ah, indeed. That was a nice scene. Sorry I missed out on discussing that.

    Well, I'm not really sure. I suppose they have to make sure that the season lasts until the end of the normal television scheduled season.

  3. Okay, great, we've got a whole view of the statue, but there are still unanswered questions regarding it, i.e.: who built it and when? What does it mean to those who built it? Again, why only four toes? And the most mysterious, what happened to the majority of it by the time Sayid and Team Korea find it?

    As for the Kate argument, I was something of a SKater and still kind of am. I mean, Juliet and Jack just seemed to "fit," and the scene in "The Other Woman" between Juliet and Jack cemented that for me. But at the same time, I'm glad they had each other in the three years the O-6 were in absentia.

    To bitch and moan just a little bit, this two week wait is absurd. And for what? I didn't even bother skipping ahead on my sat-guide to check. Whatever it is, I instantly despise it.
