Thursday, October 22, 2009

WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! Giant Seagulls In Australia

::giggle giggle:: no, but for serious, I gave my grandmother a heart attack when she watched this.

Just kidding, She's already dead.

Tee Hee: Star Wars Was Noisy

This happened to me at my aunts house once, except instead of a garbage chute I was in her bedroom. And instead of laser pistols, I was singing Whitney Houston wearing her lipstick.

I know, eerily similar.

Sorry for so many videos today, I'm too tired to look at pictures, I have to imagine them moving that way.

He's Australian? ::Swoon::

I'll type more...later.

::wipes drool::

Can't Wait To Pee? Don't

So, A Chinese company has decided to make a carseat that you can just lift up a flap and pee in. I can see several problems with this.

1. Having a penis
2. Having on clothes
3. Asians driving

Oh I'm just kidding. We should buy them Hot Wheels to feel included.

The Best Daylight Savings Time Advert. Ever.

I demand British citizenship. Now. All I need is money, a plane ticket, a passport and several other unimportant things.

I watched this approximately 3 times. In a row.

Brilliantly Done

Republicans, take note.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Japanese People Are Evil

Can you think of any other excuse? No wonder they're so bad at driving, they're nervous wrecks from the tv there.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Florence + The Machine Sings In The Park

Ah yes, I have a female crush.

This Art Is Made From FLIES! Arhrhhh!


I'm not really sure who did this, how they killed the flies sans smushing or why. The only thing that really matters I suppose is that there's a person taping flies to paper and drawing around them. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Jesus is back.

Check out the gallery here

Nom Nom! Steampunk Wedding Cake

Mike's Amazing Cakes based in Seattle, made this...amazing cake. I would nom to the power of 5+8.

Blog World: Regretsy

For those why the hell not moments that grip us all from time to time (thinks back fondly on my Barbie Salon head), there's Regretsy. Showing you all the stuff you weren't stupid enough to buy, but that several people were trying to peddle.

Check it out here

I'm Confused

You tell me.


Awesome Pulp Fiction (For Real, Not The Movie) Covers

Flickr user Hang Fire Books has compiled a series of 16 "ugly" bookcovers and posted them so you, the people, can see them. Anyone who can call this important piece of literature ugly is a baboon wearing a hot topic tee. Guaranteed.

Check it out here. (the books, not the baboon)

Russian Band Decides Naked Guys Best Way To Promote Music

Note: I tried to ensure there was no peen in this photo. If you see said peen, look away!

So there's a Russian band who's name is...Russian and they have a video out for their in Russian. I mean seriously, they have 6's as letters or something, it's all quite confusing. Anyway, if you're home (NOT AT WORK PEOPLE) and you want to see odd dancing naked men and a guy with no hands, you've come to the right place.

Check it out here (again reminding this is extremely NSFW)

Blog World: Don't Judge My Hair

Ah the good old days, when hairspray was cheap and in aerosol cans. It was a great time of Reaganomics and porn with too much pubic hair, a simpler time. Check out all these amazing examples of why people with big hair are much happier than us small haired folk. Look here!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Now I'll Never Get A Job

PhotoSketch: Internet Image Montage from Tao Chen on Vimeo.

Now these brilliant folks have created PhotoSketch. Well, not that I can do a damn thing in Photoshop anyway. It's like a weird cult where I don't like orange Kool-Aid

Oh who am I kidding, I love orange!

How Does This Make You Feel? Lance Bass

I mean yeah, it's nice and all, but it's attached to Lance Bass. That's like having free ice cream for life, but you get it out of someone's anus.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog World: My Parents Were Awesome

So apparently these "parent" people did "things" with their "lives" before they spat out children and became worried about the price of Frosted Flakes, settling for the cheap Kroger imitation. Check out what they did in all their non cereal worries days.

Follow the magic internets links here!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't Be A Faggot: Anti Smoking Fun

New Anti-Smoking Ads Warn Teens 'It's Gay To Smoke'

Ah the Onion, it's like heaven but with layers, smelly smelly layers. Oh yes, and with the inspiration for Funyuns. Dammit, now I'm hungry.

I need a QuikTrip running man servant.

Blog World: Missed Connections

Artist Sophie Blackall, from New York, scours the Missed Connections section of Craigslist and creates these brilliant illustrations capturing the odd, sometimes desperate, sometimes hilarious aspects of the site.

I look at these a lot with my eyes and find them interesting with my brain.

Check out the blog here.

Aw, Another Nazis On The Move? Movie Trading Cards

Automatic Lifestyle Dispenser has a collection of improbable movie trading cards. The most important lesson of this particular one? Nazis had Jew hating dogs as well. True story.

Check out the whole shebang here.

Want To Cry? Give These Folks A Ring

I mean, sure it was the early 90s but come on? What was so bad back then? We didn't have mainstream gays and the nation was good and republican. It was a win/win/win situation.

Boo! "Authentic" Ghost Photos (yes, it apparently still exists) has compiled a list of 25 images that have been scoured by experts and determined to not have been manipulated in any way. So here we go: it's ghost time.

I once saw a ghost, a ghost of corporate future. (20 points to you if you get the reference).

Check out all the images here.

Sluts Rejoice! Artificial Virginity Kit

Now, everyone who wants to be a "virgin" "can" with this kit from Gigimo (see it says so right there on the picturegraph)

According to the site the product gives you a wonderful sense of  good ol' Christian values everytime you get bent over.
"No more worry about losing your virginity. With this product, you can have your first night back anytime. Insert this artificial hymen into your vagina carefully. It will expand a little and make you feel tight. When your lover penetrate, it will ooze out a liquid that look like blood not too much but just the right amount. Add in a few moans and groans, you will pass through undetectable. Its easy to use, clinically proven non-toxic to human and has no side effects, no pain to use and no allergic reaction. "
I bought one yesterday. Check out the product site here.

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's A Videogame Kind of Night

Yes, I just sat for the entire seven minutes of this video and I chuckled to myself thinking "ha". I'm just hardcore like that.

Video has a bit of naughty language in it, so don't go "Hey Christian Billy! Watch this here video about Mario!" and then have Christian Billy throw holy water all over your crotch.

Tee Hee: Videogame Character Facebook Status

College Humor has put together a pretty freaking hilarious string of videogame characters Facebook statuses (I mean, you did read the title of this post, yes?)

I find them amusing and I giggle, in a manly hairy toes kind of way.

Check them out here

Must Have: 5 Pound Gummi Bear

I will not go all Hedwig and retreat back to my bland less complicated confections. I would make sweet sweet Gummi love to it.

Don't worry, baby, I'll be gentle.

Ew, Chocolate Covered Candy Corn

I mean, it's kind of like wrapping a hemorrhoid in a hernia isn't it? You can indeed have too much of a...thing.

Thanks to Cisco for the unsavory tip.

Let's Go See: RAGE


I feel that my life may depend on it. Save my life. True story.

I mean, seriously, half of the cool people ever are in it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ads: Amsterdam Anti-discrimination

Amsterdam (has strudel!) has issued a series of anti-discrimination ads that are quite well done.  Unfortunately it can be slightly skewed into saying that beneath every burkah is a supermodel and within every wife-beater wearing gay man is a....wife?
